Rules & FAQ


Please follow the rules so that the TCG can be as enjoyable as possible.

  1. Only one account per person is allowed
  2. Exploiting bugs or similar is prohibited
  3. Insulting etc. via chatbox, private message etc. is forbidden
  4. In case of violation of the rules, the account may be deleted


How does a TCG work?

The goal of a TCG is to collect cards from a specific set until you have all the cards. When you have all the cards in a set, you have mastered it and receive the master card for it. You can collect as many different cards for a set as you want.

How do I get cards?

Through games, leveling up and updates you will receive new cards that you can trade with other members.

How do I move up a level?

When you collect a certain number of cards, you automatically advance to the next level and receive a small reward.

What kind of rewards do I get?

When you master a deck, you get 3 random cards and 10 Galleons. When you level up, you get 5 random cards and 50 Galleons.


How do I trade with members?

You can either click on the profile of another member and on the card you want to have. Then you select a card of yours that you would like to exchange for the member's card. Alternatively, you can click on the missing card in Collect in your profile or under Cards. You will get an overview if and who offers the card for exchange. Or you can go directly to Ollivanders and search for the card you want.

How do I get my membercard?

You can buy a member card at Gringotts for 500 Galleons. If you want a new one at any time, you have to buy a new one.

Are there Events?

Yes, there will be special games on certain occasions. In December there will also be an advent calendar, where you can pick up a small reward every day.

How do I get house points?

You automatically earn house points for various actions:

  • +1 for each successful trade
  • +1 for each game you played (hourly)
  • +1 for every purchase of a random card at Gringotts
  • +2 for each game you played (every 3 hours)
  • +2 for the purchase of a wish card at Gringotts
  • +2 for every reward at Magical Menagerie
  • +3 for each game you played (every 6 hours)
  • +3 for every potion you get at the Apothecary
  • +5 for every deck you master
  • +10 for every level up

What reward do I get from the Login-Bonus?

If you log in, you will receive the following rewards:

  • Day 1: 10 Galleons
  • Day 2: 1 random card
  • Day 3: 10 House points
  • Day 4: 20 Galleons
  • Day 5: 2 random cards
  • Day 6: 20 House points
  • Day 7: 3 random cards
  • Day 8+: 25 Galleons
If you have not logged in for at least 21 days, the login bonus will be automatically reseted.