Prisoner of Azkaban / Movies & Scenes

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poa-buckbeaksrescueHarry Potter and Hermione Granger rescue Buckbeak right before his executionMovies & ScenesJosie
poa-careofmagicalcreaturesCare of magical creatures classMovies & ScenesJosie
poa-dementorsHarry's first encounter with dementors in Prisoner of AzkabanMovies & ScenesJosie
poa-friendsbecomefoesRemus Lupin turns into a werewolf and Sirius Black has to fight himMovies & ScenesJosie
poa-knightbusHarry rides the Knight Bus in Prisoner of AzkabanMovies & ScenesJosie
poa-mischiefmanagedHarry sees Pettigrew on the map, gets caught by Snape and "rescued" by Lupin in PoAMovies & ScenesSayla
poa-monsterbookThe Monster Book of MonstersMovies & ScenesMaron
poa-placesPlaces in Prisoner of AzkabanMovies & ScenesMaron
poa-riddikulus"After me. Riddikulus!"Movies & ScenesJosie
poa-snowballfightSnowball Fight in Prisoner of AzkabanMovies & ScenesJosie