philosophersstone |
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone |
Movies & Scenes |
Maron |
ps-acceptanceletter |
Thousands of Hogwarts acceptance letters addressed to Harry Potter flood into the Dursley's home |
Movies & Scenes |
Sayla |
ps-chocolatefrog |
"What are these? They're not really frogs, are they?" |
Movies & Scenes |
Maron |
ps-christmasathogwarts |
Christmas at Hogwarts in the Philosopher's Stone |
Movies & Scenes |
Josie |
ps-diagonalley |
Harrys first time at Diagon Alley |
Movies & Scenes |
Maron |
ps-findingfluffy |
When the trio first discover Fluffy in the third floor corridor. |
Movies & Scenes |
Sayla |
ps-flying |
Flying lessons in Philosophers Stone |
Movies & Scenes |
Sayla |
ps-forbiddenforest |
Detention in the Forbidden Forest in Philosopher's Stone |
Movies & Scenes |
Josie |
ps-harrymeetsdraco |
Harry meets Draco for the first time in Philosopher's Stone |
Movies & Scenes |
Josie |
ps-home |
"I'm not going home. Not really." |
Movies & Scenes |
Josie |
ps-journeytohogwarts |
Journey to Hogwarts in Philosopher's Stone |
Movies & Scenes |
Josie |
ps-leviosa |
"It's leviOsa, not levioSA!" |
Movies & Scenes |
Josie |
ps-mirroroferised |
Harry finds the Mirror of Erised and sees is parents for the first time |
Movies & Scenes |
Sayla |
ps-ollivanders |
Harry gets his wand at Ollivanders |
Movies & Scenes |
Maron |
ps-places |
Places in Philosopher's Stone |
Movies & Scenes |
Maron |
ps-potionsclass |
1st potions class of the year in Philosopher's Stone |
Movies & Scenes |
Josie |
ps-quidditch |
Quidditch in Philosopher's Stone |
Movies & Scenes |
Maron |
ps-restrictedsection |
Harry searching for books on Nicolas Flamel in the Restricted Section in Philosopher's Stone |
Movies & Scenes |
Sayla |
ps-sortingceremony |
Sorting Ceremony in Philosopher's Stone |
Movies & Scenes |
Josie |
ps-theboywholived |
"The Boy Who Lived" - Opening Scene in Philosopher's Stone |
Movies & Scenes |
Josie |
ps-troll |
Troll in the Bathroom in Philosopher's Stone |
Movies & Scenes |
Josie |
ps-trollinthedungeon |
Troll -- in the dungeons -- thought you ought to know. |
Movies & Scenes |
Jayjay |
ps-wizardschess |
Wizard's chess in Philosopher's Stone |
Movies & Scenes |
Josie |